BB Webb as BB Webb!

Exploring the Possibilities

I’ve moved!!!!……in SO many ways…. February 29, 2012

Please join me (and the entirety of THIS blog) on my new website at Arriving with BB Webb!

For news on all things ‘BB’, updates on speaking engagements, new media work, video blogs and what’s currently on MY mind….I sure hope you’ll visit and share your comments with me.

Here’s hoping to hear from you soon.

To all good things.

BB Webb

(photo by Laura Stone at Artstar Photography)


Well….here we go….did I say ‘finally’?? August 25, 2011

I’m excited…after months, years of anticipation and numerous halts along the way, I’m off to film interviews for my new pilot trailer, ‘So, What’s Your Story’ featuring terrific entrepreneurs making a difference, combining….here it is…




I’m working with filmmaker Corey Morrison out of Athens and have lined up a diverse team of three varied entrepreneurs…

the incredible creators of High Road Craft Ice Cream and Sorbet, (in less than one year have their product in Whole Food Stores),

Doris Aldrich, Human Rights Activist who has for 25 years been the driving force behind her nonprofit organization, Women to the World….she’s been working to uplift, educate and empower women in third world countries and locally. You’ll hear more about her soon. She has floored me with her drive, courage and tenacity.

Lastly, I’m interviewing gospel music promoter and tv personality, the fabulous Bobby Hurd. He visited Carl House today and what a treat.

Our filming of this series trailer takes place on Tuesday and then off we go to pitch it to the networks. Our focus, the possibilities that inspire, a courageous and uplifting spirit and people who are paving the way for others.

Oooooh….stay tuned, stay tuned….I’m intending ‘THIS OR BETTER’….’THIS OR BETTER!’

I’ll appreciate your prayers and intentions for the same!

BB Webb


What’s UP??? July 22, 2011

NO KIDDING….Whaaaa’s up man??

I’ve not been writing as much. I’m swirling in a most positive fashion in my current world…with this blog soon to appear on a new Arriving with BB Webb website…with a fresh look and feel.

As I like premier’s (of all sorts), I’ll be premiering it soon, soon.

In the meantime, I feel like a sailor tying up her sails, assuring the decks are mopped and supplies in tact for a riotous sail, just ’round the bend.

I feel a nor’easter coming my way. And after a short jaunt to Maine to see a favorite pal perform, (and enjoying some ‘lobstah’)…..oooooh, the sails will get to blowing cause we’ve got some traveling to do.

And how lovely does sun and wind feel on a smiling face!

Thanks for staying tuned. I promise all good things.

BB Webb


Ride that wave cowgirl….you’ve earned it! July 9, 2011

‘This or better’ says I… and better is streaming in…

but that’s a choice.

We’re moving forward with our tv pilot.

My newly assembled team is sharp and on point,

I’ve found a new potential business partner who understands my vision for the land behind Carl House and we think similarly….each with our own talents…

love is in the air in all directions with time for a vacation!

Now, that’s some damn manifesting….and 2012 not even here yet.

A breath in each moment….it’s all coming and going, coming and going…

And as the old rises and shows it’s fear spots, I breathe again and realize I have a choice in EVERY moment.

‘And so it is’…’and so it is’ I remind myself.

Hot summer in Georgia….an event with 227 people at my venue and me here with rum and tonic with lime….enjoying the evening and the newness that surrounds me.

Good. Very good. Ride this wave cowgirl….and don’t, please don’t fence me in!

And tomorrow, coming on like peaches ripening. As it does.

BB Webb


Lightness and Being… July 1, 2011

There is a shift happening on our planet…a major shift. And I feel myself moving to new places….I’m not ‘myself’ for ‘myself’ is changing. As I feel the ‘old’ in my world coming up again, feelings, situations that I recognize, I realize they are the mirages I need to catapult me elsewhere…..somewhere more fitting for who I am becoming. It’s challenging, this process. I am out of my comfort zone for sure.

Just where I (in ways) like to be. Moving forward, moving forward….

To me, it’s something about moving into ‘heart energy’, moving away from pain and fear into an unconditional acceptance and love toward ourselves and others.

How does THAT fit into our current world. Might we be willing to let go of the pain and suffering which we all embrace more often than we might or like to?

Heart has its own vibration

I am having my own awakenings. I am experiencing many of the old unfavorite feelings coming forth, asking me ‘do you really want to be here….again’?

The answer is a clear and emphatic ‘NO!’ Awareness first, and then the conscious choice to CHANGE. ME, as this is no one else’s job.

So, I sit with the discomfort as best I can and know in doing so, it will shift to something new.

How to ‘be love’….keep a connection to something greater than me. Allow others to BE who they are and not let who they are affect me. And then, what am I willing or unwilling to accept in my world?

How might I BE love….stay in that connected state….connected to the love that is available to us moment by moment? And, what IS ecstatic bliss. How might we move there, stay there?

I recently had a basic numerology reading….I find this ancient art, science….fascinating. The fllowing paragraph, about ME, captivated my attention.

‘You also have a tendency to jump to conclusions or make assumptions about others without fully analyzing the matter first. People are often startled by your tendency to “look before you leap.” For this reason, you need a right hand man or woman or some kind of best friend to encourage you to sleep on important matters before you make a split decision. ‘

I find this to be true. And…

‘You love change. You live to experience as much as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth. You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only slaked by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel.

Your adaptable nature puts you at home anywhere. You are also a bit of chameleon that is able to transform its appearance and nature to suit the environment. You are a big believer in the phrase “When in Rome.. Do as the Romans do.” Your closet is usually full of many costumes, as part of your soul’s satisfaction is to do a bit of “play acting” in real life.’

This all resonates with me. And I question…

How to BE REAL with ‘what is’….be with the pain, the joy…stay with it 100% and things can easily shift and shift and shift! How might we move into ‘God consciousness’. I want heaven on earth. And again, isn’t that up to ME to divine. Sure it is!

‘You believe that an expression of true love for another soul is the courage to let them go to pursue their own path’.

Certainly my mind agrees and my heart too though it snags on old stories which have been coming up for me to release….as they are just stories where I forget my own connection and divinity.

So today…being with what is…not so comfortable as I’m a one speedy for comfort and solutions. Sometimes things take time….this pot needs to boil before bubbling over into something new.

And, it will. I trust that it will and no doubt sooner than I realize.

BB Webb


No, not a meltdown…. June 20, 2011

….maybe I’m in need of a Cool Off at this point in my day.

My dog Ernie woke me by jumping on my bed, (pretty much not allowed) at 5am. I remember seeing a small tick on my sheets the other evening after he did the same thing and POPPED out of bed this morning determined to not awaken with a grey tick engorged on my forehead.

Awwww, that’s gross.

The day has tumbled about in a gray, mired, misery and though I know that IT, like a bloated belly, (damn, I’m full of the fun images today), passes…..I’m just not able to get my arms around things in a matter I prefer today and I’m uneasy.

So, I’ll allow a venting of sorts though will mostly take it out on a loooong evening fast walk up and down hills tonight. I’m sort of pissed.

Pissed when people fall short of expectations, or when I fall short of my own.

Upset when disconnects bring back memories that have NOTHING to do with what might be currently disconnecting.

Weary, perhaps of my mind and her shuffling about periodically with doom and gloom, certainly after rallying for YEARS now on such a different path.

But, I am human, I fall short, I forget and most of all, I’m DOG TIRED.

Well, fitting all that, with the early morning doggie wake up call.

Tomorrow, a new day to appreciate the NEW people I met today, (some terrific ones), the work done, the efforts rallied and that I’m here, on the earth to explore, create, meet neat folks, stumble and get up to try again. And, maybe fall in love.

BB Webb


It’s all new….let it be new….it’s all new. June 12, 2011

A band came to play at Carl House last weekend. As the owner, well, it’s not considered kosher to hop into the middle of the dance circle and rock out….but I am a dancer….I was maybe born wiggling and moving fresh from the womb. I need action and movement. And I feel action and movement coming after a long winter’s…..hmmmmm, sleep is not the correct word, but after a looong winter’s having to PAY ATTENTION in ways that don’t come as naturally to me.

But I’m smart and capable in ways, perhaps moreover, tenacious as hell….learning when to yield and not drive every moment, opportunity, urge, feeling that pops forth. Perhaps, to wait a breath to receive a bit more, allow things to softly come to me.

Perhaps you are similar….I suppose I was born a warrior type and acting other ways takes a tremendous degree of mindfulness for me. So, I practice breathing, waiting, seeing what it’s like to let things come to me a bit, while others initiatives I know need my urging….and this I can do easily….it’s how I’m made. Not everyone sings to my same tune and I’ve grown to accept these differences….not to take them all so personally when people don’t glean to this energetic of mine. I’m clearly NOT for everyone. Are any of us??

So, the band that visited Carl House last weekend, Brookwood Split, they have been on my mind, especially the Pointer Sisters song they sing, ‘I’m So Excited,’ as I am….excited….about all manner of things creeping into my view.

I find my sitting high in a high rise in a North Carolina city, appreciating the sun, the time to think, my electronics surrounding me (ahhhh, my new iPad….ooooh the joy), my phone and computer….I can spot check my business, gather all manner of information from around the world, download books, music, communicate with my friends and take pictures to document my journey if I choose. And, to write, book ideas, tv thoughts….business plans. I need this time to visualize as I know when I do, lovely things evolve. Always. ALWAYS! Or better.

As music plays in my ears, it inspires me, to move, yes, physically, but more, to move the ideas which have been and continue to hummm in my ears…..stories are taking shape as is my body which I am plying with new moves, teaching it to do new things. I’m eager to learn to sing better, perhaps new dance classes to see how else to coax my body to move and express what’s inside. I’ve planned a dance party at Carl House next Friday after our wine pairing dinner (please join us)…and I hope we have a crowd ready to romp and play….as I certainly am and this time, the owner WILL rock the dance floor.

‘I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it, I think I’m going to lose control and I just might like it.’ That’s right…losing control is where true creativity blossoms and I’m birthing all manner of explosions. The right time, the right scene, partners be they business, friend or love partners…..there’s just no limit to what any of us can do, create, imagine, manifest, conjure forth or reckon.

I have new eyes. I really do. And they are seeing through my lens clearly. I take nothing for granted and appreciate ALL that comes my way.

It’s my choice….and I’m focusing on all good. Ooooh, this or better God…Universe….THIS or better, please.

So, yes, I’m so excited….and I just can’t hide it…..moving forward with ideas, a big heart, lessons a plenty to guide me. It’s time to dance, create, and damn, have some fun…..

….trust me on this one. And, it’s totally up to you, up to me. You can do it. So, together, let it be new….and let’s get excited!! Travel to new places and baby, let it happen, go on, abandon of the safety zone. Go on now….do it!! I’m there with you! Lead with your heart, use your mind and know, for certain, that in your own way, YOU are perfect!

These ladies know what I’m talking about…..go Cristie, Nika y Natalia!!

With love,

BB new eyes.


It Started with A Teal Circle… June 11, 2011

Drape me please in teal

….in the middle of a luscious brown cement floor. I love discovering new spaces which FEEL right to me.

I walked into the Athens Salon and Spa and was immediately inspired, by the colors, the decor, the product line (Bb shampoos and conditioners), the jewelry and the entire business model which each practitioner demonstrated will skillfull savvy and warmth.

I’m in North Carolina…have been all week….I’m on a transformative journey….finding my way, the manner in which I want to spend my days….how I might coax a new feel, a new look, a new body, a shifted outlook. And, it’s been fun. I’ve hired a trainer who’s helping me to season some muscles who really love to stretch and play.

More on this blog later, but for the moment, a teaser….I met some new friends before leaving Georgia….at a hair salon where I was again exploring a new look….away with long tresses, they just aren’t me…..sassy and shorter is me.

Below, one of the lovely hair goddesses, Ami, bedecked in peacock tatoos and so much more, and Elizabeth, in the hat, who coiffed me in new fashion.

More comments to come….sleep beckons this weary body. Enjoy the body art on these new friends of mind, bold, courageous, lovely young women. What a fun afternoon we had last Saturday.

More news to share shortly….

BB Webb


The Time It Takes… May 30, 2011

I’m wondering a bit at the time it takes to reinvent your world. A tad hard to determine in exact measure, but it certainly takes awhile. And for me, it sets any old routines a-kilter a bit…and frankly, I’m rather fond of ‘a-kilter’. I like creating new, bold strokes, moving with some speed. Yet, this weekend I better understood my need to slow and be present in perhaps a new way to all that is rumbling about.

I had two incidents over the last week and a half where I thought on both occasions that my dogs were gone, one lost and another with an unfortunate dog fight which happened while they were traveling with me in my jeep. Everyone is fine, but drama was clearly afoot.

Bonnie, mama dog, is nearly totally deaf, 15 -17 years old, (the vet and I can’t really say), wandered away just before the LARGE storm we had last week, (which took down huge limbs at my house….one I was concerned might plunge through my large window). She is afraid of storms and was nowhere to be found….all very uncharacteristic. Our electricity was out for nearly 8 hours and I was so sad….thinking how the morning before she left we’d shared pup and mom time in the sun on my back porch. I’m her caretaker and I felt lost in how to recover her. Most of all, I wanted to know she was safe, unhurt…okay. I can only imagine how a parent feels when their child is in danger.

I put out an APB to my neighbors and wandered the area. Then a day and a half later, she suddenly appeared on our porch stairs. I was SOOO happy, SOOOO grateful to see her. WHERE had she been?? I’ll probably never know.

We get used to what we are used to. But, ANYTHING can be taken away without a moments notice. I appreciate my world, my friends, my business and the fine people working in it, the new people coming into my life, the hard lessons, the generosity and heart I am witnessing, I am encouraged. I see light and am feeling a light breeze in my world. It’s been a long time coming. Perhaps that has to do with perspective and attitude as well???

All things come to pass. It’s NOW that excites me. And yesterday is so very much my teacher.

Doggie home, the fighting is over for now, new projects taking shape, an invincible team formulating at Carl House and a grateful me.

‘Under Construction’ is how I feel….a productive, exciting time…moving forward ‘as if’….as if all I, WE might dream possible IS!

The pendulum swings….ooooh, does it!!

Here’s to contentedly swinging along with your OWN pendulum ride!

BB Webb


Yeah Jack….Yeah… May 16, 2011

It bares…bears….beeeairs……


‘The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”’ -Jack Kerouac

Let it go...let it happen....let it go....

Yeah. Awwwwwww……Roman candles lit….intention laid, (or better God, don’t forget, (inspiration) or better)…..BLAST OFF!

I find myself in immense gratitude this day. If we’ll only trust our sight. And more, and more….

More is full of but one thing in the context I share…life, fullness, living, exploration, abundance, joy, love, freedom.

More is good, better, best.

Ooooooh, please trust me on this one. I’m an explorer….I’ve seen it. Smelled, touched and sunk into it all…..more than once.

I couldn’t help myself.

Oh for the calling.

‘Just trust it,’ I am reminded, ‘just trust it’.

And so I shall.

Watch, and I’ll take you there.

Love, BB