BB Webb as BB Webb!

Exploring the Possibilities

Lightness and Being… July 1, 2011

There is a shift happening on our planet…a major shift. And I feel myself moving to new places….I’m not ‘myself’ for ‘myself’ is changing. As I feel the ‘old’ in my world coming up again, feelings, situations that I recognize, I realize they are the mirages I need to catapult me elsewhere…..somewhere more fitting for who I am becoming. It’s challenging, this process. I am out of my comfort zone for sure.

Just where I (in ways) like to be. Moving forward, moving forward….

To me, it’s something about moving into ‘heart energy’, moving away from pain and fear into an unconditional acceptance and love toward ourselves and others.

How does THAT fit into our current world. Might we be willing to let go of the pain and suffering which we all embrace more often than we might or like to?

Heart has its own vibration

I am having my own awakenings. I am experiencing many of the old unfavorite feelings coming forth, asking me ‘do you really want to be here….again’?

The answer is a clear and emphatic ‘NO!’ Awareness first, and then the conscious choice to CHANGE. ME, as this is no one else’s job.

So, I sit with the discomfort as best I can and know in doing so, it will shift to something new.

How to ‘be love’….keep a connection to something greater than me. Allow others to BE who they are and not let who they are affect me. And then, what am I willing or unwilling to accept in my world?

How might I BE love….stay in that connected state….connected to the love that is available to us moment by moment? And, what IS ecstatic bliss. How might we move there, stay there?

I recently had a basic numerology reading….I find this ancient art, science….fascinating. The fllowing paragraph, about ME, captivated my attention.

‘You also have a tendency to jump to conclusions or make assumptions about others without fully analyzing the matter first. People are often startled by your tendency to “look before you leap.” For this reason, you need a right hand man or woman or some kind of best friend to encourage you to sleep on important matters before you make a split decision. ‘

I find this to be true. And…

‘You love change. You live to experience as much as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth. You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only slaked by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel.

Your adaptable nature puts you at home anywhere. You are also a bit of chameleon that is able to transform its appearance and nature to suit the environment. You are a big believer in the phrase “When in Rome.. Do as the Romans do.” Your closet is usually full of many costumes, as part of your soul’s satisfaction is to do a bit of “play acting” in real life.’

This all resonates with me. And I question…

How to BE REAL with ‘what is’….be with the pain, the joy…stay with it 100% and things can easily shift and shift and shift! How might we move into ‘God consciousness’. I want heaven on earth. And again, isn’t that up to ME to divine. Sure it is!

‘You believe that an expression of true love for another soul is the courage to let them go to pursue their own path’.

Certainly my mind agrees and my heart too though it snags on old stories which have been coming up for me to release….as they are just stories where I forget my own connection and divinity.

So today…being with what is…not so comfortable as I’m a one speedy for comfort and solutions. Sometimes things take time….this pot needs to boil before bubbling over into something new.

And, it will. I trust that it will and no doubt sooner than I realize.

BB Webb


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